Rise in the general trend towards new and aesthetic Mini ITX builds among Indians
As the title suggest there is a growing number of PC enthusiats that are shifting away from all those flashy RGB PC setups and are leaning towards more of an aesthetic system for all their different needs, be it be gaming, Content creation, business and many more.
The the general believe is that these kind of setup look more inseam with the house decoration and speciallly fit in with a professional look. Besides the look there are technical aspects that may be one of the reasons too. All the new technology has made it possible for the comapanies to manufature the parts like motherboard, Power Supplies, and GPU etc. to be smaller in size without compromizing with the performance of the said conponent.
Companies are also creating cabinet that will allow these power hungry parts to breathe properly. Now with technology and performance is the out of our way the next thing that come is price. Prices of there Mini-ITX parts is much more that a regular sized part given they have to fit in all the same parts in a fraction the space and an ATX or mATX components. However it is also worth mentioning that they difference in the price isnt what it's used to be and that give people hope that they will be able to buy these PC today or in the future without having a bump in their wallets.
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